They also have different applicators ? some are cardboard, some are plastic, and some are compact ? and all of them fit discreetly in your purse. They come in different sizes (absorbencies) to use, depending on your flow. Tampax tampons provide great protection by helping to absorb fluid inside your body so no one has to know you’re having your period.
Tampax Radiant’s plastic application is available in full size or compak and ranges in absorbency levels from regular to super plus. Tampax Radiant also features a unique, one-of-a-kind resealable wrapper that is softer and quieter than before, allowing for discrete disposal. Tampax Radiant Tampons provide up to 100 leak and odor-free protection.

The newest line of Tampax features their best-ever leak guard (stopping leaks for up to 8 hours – even at night) to give you an ultimate protection experience like never before. Tampax Radiant Tampax Radiant Super Tampax Radiant Super When it comes to your tampon, don’t settle for basic. People are starting to talk about the menstrual cycle openly and it is not considered to be something to be ashamed of.You can outsmart Mother Nature when she brings you your monthly gift with help from Tampax Radiant. Most of the girls have no idea about this change and it becomes hard for them to handle this situation.īut for a few decades, there has been awareness in this area. Tampax Pocket Radiant Tampons provide up to 100 Leak & Odor-Free protection that fits discreetly in your pocket. It is not that easy to go through a menstrual period, especially when a female gets it for the first time. On the other hand, Tampax Pearl tampons are less expensive. Tampax Radiant tampons are a bit expensive due to their new features.Browse our wide selection of Tampons for Delivery or Drive Up & Go to pick.
On the other hand, the Tampax Pearl series of tampons were introduced in the year 2002. Shop Tampax Radiant Super Absorbency Unscented Tampons - 28 Count from Tom Thumb.

Slogan The slogan used in the advertisement of Tampax Radiant tampons is ‘Because Comfort Counts’. Radiant Dance Off HBCU Dance Corporation, Inc. The packaging of the Tampax Pearl tampon does not provide a wrapper that is re-sealable and quiet. Packaging The packaging of Tampax Radiant tampon includes less noisy, clean wrappers. Tampax Pearl tampons have always been considered to be cheaper than Radiant tampons. Range of prices When it comes to buying Tampax Radiant tampons, it can cost some extra bucks to the customer. Tampax Pearl Tampons came out in the year 2002 by keeping the needs of modern women. Comparison Table Between Tampax Radiant and Tampax Pearl Parameters Of Comparison Tampax Radiant Tampax Pearl Released in Tampax Radiant Tampons came out on with upgrades in previous model pearl tampons. These tampons are recommended by many Gynaecologists. Tampax Pearl tampons, just like Tampax Radiant, provide 8 hours of leakage protection. Tampax Pearl tampons come with a plastic applicator and these are mostly Unscented. They are also a type of tampons manufactured by Tampax. Tampax Pearl is also known as Tampax pocket pearl.